Some of our achievements


Place: Saint-Antoine-de-Breuilh
Green energy production: 17 GWh/year, equivalent to the gas consumption of 1,800 households
Organic fertilizer production: 12 000 T of digestate produced each year, enabling the annual fertilization of 400 acres of farmland
Valorization: Over 15,000 T of organic matter / year

Find out more about the CVE de Breuilh biogas unit


Place: Montbrison
Green energy production: 22 GWh/year, equivalent to the gas consumption of 3,500 households
Organic fertilizer production: 23 000 m³ of digestate produced each year, enabling the annual fertilization of 1,800 acres of farmland
Valorization: Over 23,000 T of organic matter / year


Place: Aoste
Green energy production: 20 GWh/year, equivalent to the gas consumption of 3,300 households
Organic fertilizer production: 16 000 m³ of digestate produced each year, enabling the annual fertilization of 2,500 acres of farmland
Valorization: Over 18,000 T of organic matter / year

Find out more about the CVE Aoste biogas unit 


Place: Malataverne
Type: Solar roof on the industrial site of Vicat Produits Industriels
Power: 639 kWp
Production: 813 MWh


Place: Ur
Type: Supermarket roofing
Power: 450 kWc


Place: St Etienne-sous-Bailleul
Type: Site of a former oil industry of the Société Française des Pétroles
Power: 13 MWp
Production: 14 294 MWh


Place: Diamniadio (Senegal)
Type: Industrial eco-park
Power: 150 kWp
Storage capacity: 97 kWh
Production: 232 278 kWh


Place: Cortijo (Chile)
Power: 13 MWp
Production: 20 773 MWh


Place: Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
Type: Plot of land of the economic pole of Renardières
Production: 26,3 GWh PCS
Valorization: More than 23 000 Tons of organic waste / year


Place: Marigny
Type: Former NATO site
Power: 30 MWp
Production: 34 310 MWh